About Us

Non Compis Mentis strives to provide its sisters with an unconditional family environment that promotes individuality and leadership through positively impacting Rollins and the surrounding communities. Together, the sisters of NCM support each other’s individuality, allowing sisters the opportunity to mold the organization, while being a part of a fun social sisterhood.

Name: Non Compis Mentis
[Latin (modified) for “not of sound mind“]

Founded: 1970 at Rollins College

Colors: Pink & Blue

🏠 House: Mayflower Hall

Mascot: 🦩 Flamingo

🌼 Flower: Daisy

Jewel: Blue Topaz 💎

Motto: Vires Acquirit Eundo
[from Virgil’s Aeneid; the Latin phrase is translated as “we gather strength as we go” or “she gathers strength as she goes”]

The oldest local sorority in the South and
the only local sorority at Rollins College.